Thursday, May 6, 2010


The Summer of 2007 was a crucial time in my life. I was working alongside my best friend, Mary Liz at Camp Mystic. Honestly, had I not had that job that summer, I don't know who I'd be. Being there felt like a miracle, because I was given an opportunity to give up a lot of bad habits, and not miss them one bit. By the end, I felt quite transformed. I had grown a great deal. 

We had big jobs and big time fun together. We hiked just about every day, during rest hour, no matter what, with a little help of an energy drink called "enviga", which has sadly disappeared from the market. I think its absence can be explained by its claim to being "the calorie burning drink". We look back on those days and think: "Dang! That enviga/hiking combo paid off!". After we'd been hiking religiously for a little while, we started hunting quite seriously for deer antlers. In fact, we were more serious about finding them than about actually hiking. The point of our hiking was to find the antlers. We were determined. Our eyes were always wide open. Well, mainly Mary's eyes, for she is the more focused half of our duo.

Finally, towards the end of July, we spotted not one, but TWO! It was the best feeling in the world. I'm sure we screamed and could not contain our joy! It was a proud moment. We couldn't wait to spread the good news, and at the end of our hike, right at the end of the rest hour period, we paraded into the office, flaunting our antlers and announced to everyone what had happened. 

Betsy was so happy for us and told us that for weeks she had been praying for us to find the antlers. It was so dear (Sorry, I couldn't hep myself).  It's amazing to think that there are people praying for you, without your even being aware of it. I will always remember that. And it makes the antlers even more special, which is pretty amazing, since it is one of my most cherished belongings.

In my life, summer has always been a time for growth and change, and I find happiness in the congruency in the deer kingdom:

"Deer shed their antlers annually as a prelude to the regeneration, or re-growth, of new ones. The entire shedding process takes a mere two to three weeks to complete, and the re-growth phase takes place over the summer".**

 It's such an opportune time to set some goals. Especially for me, because the sunny weather lifts my spirits so. I am very happy that summer is here, and I have a good feeling that it will be a transforming time, as it always has been. I have the wonderful opportunity this summer to be going to Chicago for 5 weeks to study improvisation, which is one of my favorite practices. 

I am thrilled to be going to a new place, where I know few people, and can explore the city and learn about people and myself. I hope that this summer will bring good changes for all of my friends. 

(hey bubz)



  1. I love you, Becka. I was literally looking for hiking backpacks for senor hikey pants to ride in while I started the annual shed hunts! That was literally the greatest summer of all, and each passing summer can never quite measure up to that one.

  2. So reading about them Mystic memories! I know Chicago will hold many more special moments and experiences for you! Much love...
