Friday, May 13, 2011

Want and Waiting

Earlier in the day while I was out on my errands, I thought of this Florence and the Machine song. I've been listening to her album Lungs quite a bit, but haven't listened in maybe a week or so, and immediately all I wanted to do was go on a jog and zone out to it.

Well, last night I burnt my mouth pretty severely on some fried beets, making eating extremely painful, and I am out of coffee at home-without coffee in the morning, the day does NOT get going. This meant I needed to find some coffee for the morning and also some food I could swallow; I did so, all the while looking forward to my run with Florence.

When the time had finally come, I was so happy. I got going but my knee didn't feel right. I kept going, but IT HURT. I had to stop. Such a minor bummer, really, but, not getting your way is a hard thing to accept, especially when your mind is set---how do I  change gears with charm?

I began thinking about more major dreams than an afternoon jog that don't materialize and I felt overcome by a sense of how much I DO have to be grateful for.

Learning to gracefully have patience in times when I am in want is something I am working on. I wonder if with age and wisdom it will ever become easier?

I know that in our 20's, it is an issue which we all battle. If anyone has anything that they hold to to make waiting easier, enlightenment is welcomed.

The one that comes to mind for me is:
"The girl that's worthwhile is the girl who can smile when everything goes dead wrong"

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