Friday, May 13, 2011

I want to live like an old fashioned human: Part Deux

As was the case this very time, one year ago, my facebook account is deactivated. 

I found the coincidence of the timing rather funny, but I think for me this time of year has always been about preparing to leave for summer camp, where I would become my most centered self, and the way to finding that center was by giving things up, and getting closer to nature and farther from materials. 

While I am by no means living like a monk right now, I am prioritizing time for quiet and meditation, and am trying to accept and really enjoy my time to myself and make the best of my every hour, every day. 

Disconnecting can be oh so liberating. I love the hours in my day when I leave my phone either at home or in the car during dinner. The world is such a bizarre place. My feelings on the times in which we are living are certainly ambivalent

But, Katie Hill- I don't think the world is ending-so let's look for the LIGHT :)

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