Thursday, April 29, 2010

I want to live like an Old Fashioned Human

I looked at the way technology has changed the way I live, and wasn't happy. My quest for an old fashioned life in a new fangled world began by deactivating my Facebook page and turning off my cell phone more so that I can focus on the tasks at hand. 

Since the deactivation, I have been a little peer pressured by some friends to return. I think it's going to be a while though. 

The absence of these things has liberated me:
1. The invites
You, married friends, may not be able to relate to this, but my weekend plans were somewhat dictated (without my realizing it) by invitations sent to me by friends to their weekend parties. Now, when Friday rolls around, I don't know what's going on unless a good friend is hosting, or it's been talked up by people that I actually talk to. This makes me feel free to decide what I want to do, and sometimes that means just staying in. It's nice. As my Uncle Mark said one time: "I have been to that party".

2. Feeling a connection to people that I don't see in the real world because we exchange wall posts. 

3. Of course, I miss the pictures, but man, what a time suck. When I think about it, I don't miss the pictures. 

I should mention the times when it's been necessary to get on facebook for a few minutes...
1. to get pertinent information for my friend's funeral arrangements. 
2. to check for mutual friends with a potential sublet applicant
3. to look at someone's profile pictures that I found cute at a party last saturday, in order to hypothesize my chances. (He look's pretty single and pretty)

Au Revoir Facebook! Maybe I'll see you in 2011...?

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