Friday, April 30, 2010

Becky Fly Trap

I had the most medieval thought the other day when I noticed that I had a fruit fly problem amidst my kitchen. Because I live up on a pretty high story of my building, and am the first tenant, I decided that the fruit flies must have spontaneously appeared out of thin air. How else could it be explained?

After a bit of research, I realized I was very wrong. That definitely goes against modern science. A bit embarrassing. 

Fruit Flies are attracted to alcohol and fruit that is fermenting. 2 departments my apartment is anything but lacking on any given Sunday. They have very acute olfactory senses and can creep in with your groceries or through the door crack, even when it's shut.

So, my fly trapping began last night. I put slices of an orange and a banana in this milk carton and it's working. Lucky for us, their brains are not as strong as their sense of smell, or we might've become extinct a while back.

Flee Flys

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